How to Embed a Hyperlink in a Facebook Status

Print this articleIf you paste a URL into the status update text box at the top of your Facebook news feed, it is transformed into a clickable link, with a thumbnail from the website (if one is available). You can include your status update or commentary in the text box along with the link.

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Click "Update Status" after signing in to your Facebook account.


Enter your status update in the "What's On Your Mind?" text box that appears. Type or paste the link you want to share into the text box.


Click on the audience selector to set the privacy for your post. You can make it public, available to all of your friends or available only to a select group.


Click "Post" to post your status and link to Facebook.

ReferencesFacebook: How do I Share a Link on Facebook?Facebook: When I Share Something, How do I Choose Who Can See It?ResourcesFacebookRead Next:

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How to Filter the "See Relationship" in Facebook

FoodHomeStyleMoneyFamilyHealthShiftMore This SeasonSimplify the SeasonFriendsgivingTailgatingTech Know HomeInternetFacebook InformationFacebookHow to Filter the "See Relationship" in FacebookHow to Filter the "See Relationship" in FacebookPrint this article

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How to Check Your Last Action on Facebook

The last action for each of these Facebook actions can be viewed in different areas of your account.

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Facebook keeps track of when you send a message, post a comment on someone's wall or photo or post a status update. Since all of these actions are separate, there is no unified location where you can see what your last action on Facebook was. You can, however, check what your last action was for any of these Facebook actions, letting you view the last message you sent, the last comment you posted and the last status update you shared.

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Open a Web browser and navigate to "" Type your Facebook account login credentials in the spaces provided and click the "Login" button to log into your Facebook account.


Click the "Messages" icon at the top of your Facebook home page. Click the message listed at the top of the drop-down menu that appears to view the last message you sent or received on Facebook.


Click on your name in the upper-right corner of the Facebook page to view your Facebook profile. The status update listed at the top of your profile is the last status update you have posted on Facebook.


Scroll down to the section of your profile labeled "Recent Activity." The first item listed beneath the "Recent Activity" heading was the last comment you posted on a photo or wall.

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How to Do a Reunion on Facebook

Facebook groups and events allow you to publicize your reunion.

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Facebook, the social networking website, has made planning your school or family reunion easier. Through Facebook, you can reach members of your family or graduating class with whom you might otherwise have lost touch, and you can allow everyone to have input in the reunion's events, location or menu. While anyone can create an event called "Edgewood High School Class of '99 Reunion" or "Smith Family Reunion," you maximize attendance by taking full advantage of Facebook's applications and features.

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Create a group for the reunion. Groups have more apps than events, such as message boards and polls. Click "Create Group" in the left column of your home page. If you are planning a school reunion, click "Open" for privacy so it will be easy for members of your school to find. If you are planning for a family reunion, click "Closed" because you are planning a more intimate event. Invite any members of your family or graduating class whose Facebook profiles you can access, and encourage them to spread the word.


Create an event page for your reunion. Click "Events" in the left column of your home page, then click "Create an Event." If you are planning a family reunion, deselect "Anyone can view and RSVP" so no one from outside your family can crash your reunion. If you are planning a school reunion, select "Anyone can view and RSVP" to make it easier for your classmates to find the page. Include a link to the group you created in the "More Info" field for the event. That way, anyone who you invite to the event will be able to follow the link to the group and access the polls and message boards.


Determine whether you want to show the guest list on the event page if you are hosting a school reunion. This can either help or hurt attendance. People who see that their friends are attending the reunion will be more likely to attend themselves. However, if someone sees a guest list with few familiar names, he may choose not to come. If you are having a family reunion, there's no reason not to show the guest list.


Provide news and updates about the reunion on the group page, such as event schedules or menus. Give attendees the opportunity to vote on what they'd like to see at the reunion in polls. This will build excitement for the event and make people more likely to come.


Scan the friends lists and comments of your friends regularly to find other members of your family or class. Invite anyone you see who hasn't already replied to the invitation or joined the group.

ReferencesFacebook Help Center: GroupsFacebook Help Center: EventsBlack and Married With Kids: How to Host a Virtual Family Reunion on FacebookTIME: How Facebook is Affecting School ReunionsPhoto Credit Justin Sullivan/Getty Images News/Getty ImagesRead Next:

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How to Get Coins on "Cooking Mama" on Facebook

FoodHomeStyleMoneyFamilyHealthShiftMore This SeasonSimplify the SeasonFriendsgivingTailgating HomeInternetFacebook InformationFacebookHow to Get Coins on "Cooking Mama" on FacebookHow to Get Coins on "Cooking Mama" on FacebookPrint this article“Cooking Mama” originated on handheld game systems, such as the Nintendo DS, and is now available as a free Facebook gaming application. In this game, you must cook specific items based on goals in your game’s cook book. As you complete goals and fill your menu for customers, you earn coins within the game. Coins allow you to purchase the ingredients you need to cook the meals and advance through the game.

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Launch the “Cooking Mama” game from the “Games” section of your Facebook account.


Complete game goals from the “Goals” section of your cook book by cooking the type of food specified by each goal. As you complete goals, the game rewards you with coins.


Click on your friend’s icon on the left side of the screen to visit her page. Click on the “Try Menu” button to earn energy and coins. You can visit each friend only once each day.


Add food to your café’s menu, and then click the “Open Café” button in the bottom right corner. Customers automatically visit your café and eat from your menu, rewarding you with coins for each customer.


Gain levels by completing goals. Each level rewards you with coins.


Click “Cooking Mama” game announcements posted by your friends on your Facebook newsfeed. These provide coins as a reward.


Click your current coin total at the top of the screen. This brings up a transaction screen that allows you to purchase Facebook credits for real money and exchange the credits for in-game coins.

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How to Add a "Follow Me on Facebook" Link on Blogspot

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Can You Put Analytics on Facebook?

You can choose from different analytics tools for Facebook depending on your budget and needs.

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In September 2011, Nielsen reported that Facebook was by far the most popular website among American Internet users. Each month, we spend 53.5 billion minutes on the social media network. To get a better idea of how those minutes play out on your own Facebook page, you can add analytics to track and measure conversations, responses and interactions. Facebook provides its own analytics tool, but you can also install other free and paid programs with various features.

Related Searches: Facebook Insights

Facebook Insights is a free analytics tool provided by Facebook to page administrators and platform developers. Facebook Insights allows you to track activity including likes and unlikes, numbers of fans, page views, mentions, wall posts and comments. In March 2011, Facebook upgraded its analytics platform to provide real time data on metrics. Data can also be exported and broken down by visitor demographics like age, gender and country.

Free Solutions

Google Analytics is another free tool you can put on Facebook to track activity. Google provides you with specific code to copy and past in your Facebook page. This code measures likes, unlikes and shares. According to a March 2010 on Social Media Examiner, adding Google Analytics to Facebook can require some special tweaking. Facebook has limited support for the JavaScript code provided by Google. However, you can find additional tools online that help you better connect the two technologies.

Paid Solutions

If you are willing to pay for an analytics solution, you can invest in a platform like Webtrends, Kontagent or Attensity. Webtrends takes information from your Facebook page and applications, and provides data on campaigns, comments, fan activity, likes and shares. With Kontagent, you have the ability to measure how well you are retaining your audience over days, weeks and months. The real-time tracking application looks at user behavior and helps you define filters and funnels for more customized analytics. The Attensity product sends you real-time alerts for comments, survey responses and posts. This tool also provides sentiment analysis for you to determine if your audience is feeling positive or negative toward your brand, product or service.

Benefits of Facebook Analytics

When you add analytics to your Facebook page you can learn a great deal more about your audience and how they are interacting with you. An analytics tool can give you insight into basic information such as numbers of fans and numbers of likes, but it can also tell you much more. These tools show you what time of day or what day of the week your engagement is highest as well as which posts, surveys or apps are garnering the most attention. You can also find out how people are finding your page and how long they are staying once they land there.

ReferencesWebtrends; Social AnalyticsSocial Media Examiner; How To Add Google Analytics To Your Facebook Fan PageFacebook; Help Center; About Facebook InsightsMashable; Facebook Insights Gets Real-Time AnalyticsMashable; A Beginner's Guide To Facebook InsightsGoogle; Social Interaction AnalyticsKontagent; Social AnalyticsAttensity; Deep Facebook Analytics on Posts, Surveys and Comments Now Available With Attensity Analyze 6.0Huffington Post; Facebook More Popular Than Any Other Website -- By A LotPhoto Credit Dan Kitwood/Getty Images News/Getty ImagesRead Next:

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