This article on is here to help you better curate the content your customers will want. Because as we curate content more effectively we become better at keeping our ideal customers attention online. And as long as we are able to keep the attention of our target market we are able to share with them the reasons why they should by from you instead of your competitors.
The trick with starting to become great at curating content is to first understand your customers. More specifically you want to understand what kinds of content they want to consume and how they prefer to consume it. So I outlined a few questions that you can ask yourself or pass to one of your team members before anyone starts to curate content.
Take a piece of paper and in as much detail describe who your ideal customer is. Don't hold back, the more detail you put the better off you will be. You might find that you have more than one kind of ideal customer. If so take a special note of that but make sure you do one description at a time. After free writing a description go back and fill more detail like... How old are they? where do they live? What is their typical day like? What do they like? What do they dislike? What questions would they want answered?
What would they find interesting or entertaining? Do they prefer facts or stories? What media do they use as their primary communication tool? What method do they use as their secondary communication tool?
How do they prefer to consume information that is interesting to them? Do they prefer to read, listen or watch a video?
What kind of person would they connect with? Its important to understand what kind of person they would connect with and make the personality the driver that will curate the content. If that isn't you I would recommend you hire someone with the personality that will resonate with them.
This will deepen the relationship you are able to build with your target market and make it easier to build a relationship with them.
Once you outline this information you will have the foundation set to start and curate content. Your next step is to then put your content curator to work and collect the kinds of information that will be of interest to the ideal customer that you outlined. Then use the personality we described that will resonate with your target market to share it with them.
I am one of few Motivational Business Speakers that specialize in topics like content curation and Video Marketing Tips
if you would like to learn more feel free to connect with me on twitter
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