How to Add Petitions on Facebook

Print this articleA petition is a great way to promote a cause about which you are passionate. But much of a petition's success depends on how many people you show it to and how many people sign it. That means the process of publicizing an issue through a petition can be made much easier by using Facebook, which has more than 750 million users, according to tech-industry website Tech Crunch. With Facebook's Petitions app, run through petition website Care2, you can draw more visibility, and more signatures, to your cause.

Related Searches:Difficulty:EasyInstructions 1

Click inside the text search box at the top of your Facebook homepage. Type "Petition" in the box. Click on the search result that reads "Petitions App." Click the "Go to App" button on the page that appears.


Click on the "Start Now" button on the page that appears. Click the same button on the next page to reach the petition-creation form. Fill in the basic information pertaining to your petition. This information includes a title for your petition, a description of why people should sign your petition and listing any sponsors of your petition.


Type your personal information in the boxes under the heading "Add Your Information." You'll be required to create a Care2 login username. You will also have to include your address, gender and birthday. Be sure to check the box next to the "I Agree to the Care2 Terms of Service" option.


Click on the "Category" box under the heading "Petition Info." Pick the best categorization for your petition. Options include "Health," "Human Rights" and "Politics." When you select a category, the "Sub-Category" box may activate. If it does, click on the box to choose a subcategory for your petition. Type a number in the "Signature Goal" box that reflects a reasonable amount of signatures you expect to get on the petition.


Click on the box marked "Upload Photo or Video" to include graphic elements in your petition. Click the "Browse" button on either the "Photo" or "Video" tab, then select the appropriate file from your hard drive. Click the "Upload" button when finished. After you've selected a photo or video, click on the "Photo Caption" box to write a caption for the media you've included.


Click on the boxes below the heading "Create Your Petition's Promo" when you have completed all other areas of your petition form. The box marked "Click Here to Enter Your Short Title" is where you will type a punchy petition title that will appear on the sites that promote your petition. The "Click Here to Enter Your Blurb" box is where you should write a single powerful sentence that encourages people to click on your petition.


Click the "Publish" button when finished to add your petition to Facebook.

ReferencesCare2 Petition Site: Start Your PetitionTech Crunch: Facebook Now Has 750 Million UsersRead Next:

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